La mano que canta
La mano que canta is a film made together with the artist Alex Reynolds. It builds a web of connecting gestures, voicings, and images in time. These elements mimic each other following an open associative sequence: from the extraction of oak bark in Extremadura during the yearly cork harvest, to the peeling of an orange before a handheld fire or the act of washing someone’s hand; from the tremor of leaves to that of a voice, to a bird’s flapping wings in the distance or, again, the feedback loop between the performer’s chant and hand movements.Sensorial resistance to fixity and hierarchy, focus on transformation with all senses engaged in the process, are key aspects to this new work. Both free-form and minutely composed, The Hand that Sings proposes a lyrical interplay of correspondences where bodies, landscape, and the camera jointly perform, attuned to one another.
With: Alma Söderberg, Alex Reynolds, Miguel Ángel Muñoz Arenas, Juan Félix Tadeo Hormeño
And the voice of: Julia Spínola
Production: Alicia Reginato / La Chula Productions
Production assistant: Rossana Miele
Camera: Alex Reynolds. Lennert De Taeye, Curro Tardío
Camera assistand: Lennert de Taeye, Rubén Hernández
Sound:Laszlo Umbreit,Alex Reynolds,Elena Barreras Honrubia
Sound mix: Laszlo Umbreit
Editing:Alex Reynolds, Alma Söderberg
Color Correction: Lennert De Taeye
Credit design: Goda Budvytyte
Say this say that, inspirado en el trabajo de Danielle Freakley y Asiya Wadud
Thanks to:Gaia Carabillo, Manuel Cirauqui, Benito Cortijo Benito, Ben De Raes, Rafael Diez Serrano, Will Holder, Theo Livesey, Justine Maxelon, Emilio Muñoz Rubio, Claudia Pagès Rabal, Hendrik Willekens.
A co-production by: Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Kunstencentrum BUDA, The Art Academy, Bergen – Social Acoustics: Communities in Movement, IAC Malmö, Swedish Arts Grants Council.